As a general contractor using TradeTapp, you can edit and customize qualification questionnaires at any time. This will help ensure all vendors are submitting questionnaires with the information you need to review risk accordingly.
If you would like to create a new questionnaire version, please reference the article, "How to create a new questionnaire version in TradeTapp (General contractors)."
Note: You must have "Admin" permissions to view and edit questionnaires. Learn more about permissions in Permission Levels in TradeTapp (General Contractors).
This article includes how:
- To see your questionnaires
- To add new questions
- To add new sections
- To edit questions
- To delete questions
- To delete sections
To see your questionnaires
Click your company name in the top right corner.
Click “Settings.”
In the top navigation bar, click “Questionnaire".
To add new questions to questionnaires
In the Questionnaire settings, select the section you would like to add new questions to.
Click “Create New Question.”
Select the question type, enter the question text as you would like it to appear on questionnaires, add a question tip (if applicable), then select the questionnaire version(s) you would like the question to appear on and if it should be required or not. Once all information is complete, click “Save.”
New questions will automatically be added to your questionnaire. For any vendors in progress, currently working on the questionnaire, they will receive a notification when they open your qualification that an update has been made. They can now respond to your new question accordingly.
To add new sections to questionnaires
In the Questionnaire settings, click “Add Section.”
Enter the name of the section then click the “plus” icon to add it to the questionnaire.
You can continue with adding custom questions to your new section.
To edit questions in questionnaires
To begin, in the Questionnaire settings, navigate to the section with the question you want to edit.
Click the “edit” icon to the right of the question
Depending on the whether the question is default or created by your team, what you can edit will vary. There may be questions where you can only edit the question tip, some where you can also specify if they are required or not, or custom questions where you can freely change the question type, text, and more.
For any question, you can add one sample file to send cheat sheets or screenshots to help subcontractors with additional context or detailed instructions on how to fill certain complicated questions. The sample file must be a PDF, JPG, PING, or BMP up to 500KB.
Edit the information available and click "Save".
To save your changes, click "Apply" at the bottom.
To delete questions in questionnaires
Within each section, you can remove custom questions by clicking the trash icon to the right of THE question.
Please note that you cannot delete default questions provided by TradeTapp. However, there are some default questions that you can edit so that they do not display on your questionnaires. Follow the editing questions instructions and if available, you can choose to not display that question.
Type “DELETE” in capitals then click “Yes” to confirm you would like to delete this question.
To delete sections in questionnaires
Please note that default sections cannot be removed, but you can remove custom sections by clicking the “x” to the right of the section name in the top navigation bar.
Type “DELETE” in capitals then click “Yes” to confirm you would like to delete this section.
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