As a head contractor with BC Pro, you have access to BuildingConnected’s Tender Comparison tool. Our Tender Comparison feature is a great way to ensure the subcontractors you have invited to a project are all pricing the same scopes or services. It enables you to compare tenders apples to apples.
Below is a chart that lists various actions a head contractor can take on their Tender Comparison tool. The second column displays if the subcontractor will see a change in their BuildingConnected account. The third column shows if an email notification is sent to the subcontractor when the action is taken:
As a reminder, BuildingConnected will never make a subcontractor’s tender public to any other subcontractor on the network.
Want to learn more about Tender Comparison? Check out our quick 3-minute video. Additionally, for step-by-step guides on how to use and maximize value out of your Tender Comparison tool within BuildingConnected, you can find many articles here.
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