What is a project lead?
When a project is created, the individual at the main contractor’s company who created the project is automatically designated as the project “lead.”
If the same individual created a project and its tender packages, this person will be listed as both the project and tender package lead. Thus, all communication to subcontractors will come from this person.
To change a project lead
Project leads can be changed from the “Team” tab of your project by selecting a new lead under the “Lead” column.
Please note that:
- A team member can only be made project lead after the member has viewed the project. The option to make them the project lead will be grayed out until the member accesses the project.
- Changing leads after the project has been published will not change which coworker the initial tender invitations were sent from. However, all future tender invites and communication sent for this project will be sent from the new project lead.
What is a tender package lead?
The tender package lead can be the designated individual at the main contractor’s company for that specific scope of work. If the tender package lead is different than the project lead, the tender package lead will always override the project lead. Invitations will then appear to come from the tender package lead.
This means that when the project is published, if Sally is the project lead and Joe is the lead for the “Electrical” tender package, subcontractors invited to the “Electrical” tender package will receive notifications from Joe.
To change a tender package lead
From your project, click on the tender package you would like to change the lead for.
Navigate to the “Overview” tab and click “Edit” next to “Tender Package Information".
Select the name of your coworker you would like to designate as the new tender package lead in the "Tender Package Lead" drop-down menu. Click “Save.”
- You can select any members of the project team and members of your company.
- Please note that the original tender package lead will not be notified when the lead has been changed.
The new tender package lead’s initials or profile picture will appear on the Tender Packages view. You can also change a tender package lead here as well.
Click on the icon under Lead for the tender package and select a new tender package lead from the drop-down menu as desired.
When a tender package has a different lead than the project lead, the tender package lead will override the project lead. This means that any subcontractors invited to the tender package will receive the invite from the tender package lead.
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