The ability to soft award a bid through the "Tender Comparison" tab is a great way to finalize which subcontractor was selected. This allows the estimator to communicate which subcontractor was selected to the chief estimator or to other members of their team. The "Soft Awarded" or "Not Awarded" statuses populate throughout your project, including in the "Subs" tab and in the "Sub Status" report so that it is easy to share.
The soft awarded company and their proposal value also populate into the Tender Packages table, which you can use to calculate your total project costs and export out of BuildingConnected. Learn more here.
To mark a company as Soft Awarded or Not Awarded in the Tender Comparison tab
Click on the drop down menu next to the company’s name and select “Mark as Soft Awarded” or "Mark as Not Awarded".
You will see either "Soft Awarded" or "Not Awarded" appear under the subcontractor’s name. Please note that subcontractors are not automatically notified when they are soft awarded a bid.
You may see the proposals automatically sort differently. The "Soft Awarded" subcontractor will be pushed to the furthest left so that it appears first. "Not Awarded" subcontractors will be pushed to the furthest right.
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