Suggested opportunity groups make organizing your Tenders section easy. This feature suggests groups for competitively tendered opportunities that have matching project due dates and locations with different head contractors. Please note that opportunities with different trades will not be grouped in the suggestions.
Where can I find suggested groups in my Tenders?
The suggested groups will show in two locations. You will see the group suggestion in the side panel that pops up on the right-hand side of your Tenders page when an opportunity is clicked on.
You will also see the suggested group on the “Overview” tab of your opportunity listed under the sub header “Related Opportunities”.
To create the suggested group, click “Group together.”
Next, you will see a pop-up window where you can view all of the opportunities in the suggested group.When you are ready to continue, click on “Next.”
You’ll now be able to review, and if necessary update, some important details about your new group. Here you can change the group’s name, status, assignee, and due date. The group assignee is the assignee for all tenders in the group. To edit group information such as location, trade, number, project size, and market sector, click "Show more project fields." When everything looks good, click “Create group.”
You will see a pop-up window confirming that your group has been successfully created. Click "View group" to go directly to the Overview tab of the group you just created.
The opportunity group will be immediately visible on your Bid Board, and will be listed under the status you selected.
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