What is the Formatted Bidder List?
The Formatted Bidder List is a PDF document with information about all the bidders in your project, sorted by the bid package they are in.
The generated PDF document includes the following data for each invited bidder:
- Name
- Phone
- Cell
- Status
- Base Bid (Submitted proposal value)
Can I download the Formatted Bidder List into an Excel document?
The Formatted Bidder List report is only available in PDF format.
What is the Bidder Status Report?
The Bidder Status Report is a .CSV spreadsheet that provides details for every bidder and company in this project. You can download this report and manipulate it in Excel or any corresponding software to meet your project's needs.
The generated .CSV spreadsheet includes the following data for each invited bidder:
- (Bid Package) Number
- Bid Package
- Bid Package Lead
- Company
- First Name
- Last Name
- Invalid Email: Yes or no. This field will state yes or no when an email has been marked as invalid in the system. Learn more about invalid emails in What to do when contacts have “Invalid Emails” in BuildingConnected
- Email: The email column is only available when the office your project is in has a BC Pro subscription
- Vendor: A contact is a "vendor" when your company did not invite this contact directly. They were forwarded an invitation intended for someone else and are not a part of the same company as that person they received it from in the system
- Phone
- Office Phone
- Cell
- Company Status: Undecided, Bidding, Not Bidding, Bid Submitted, Lost, Won
- Contact Status: Invited or Viewed. Viewed indicates the contact has viewed this project invite. If your project has an NDA, this will say "Consented to NDA & Viewed".
- Base Bid
- Date Invited
- Notes: These notes were made by your team on each individual bidder within the Bidders List.
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
- Labor Type
- Enterprise Type
- Tags
- Qualification Status
Where can I download the Formatted Bidder List or the Bidder Status Report?
You can download the Formatted Bidder List or the Bidder Status Report in two locations:
- "Reports" tab - This will give you full reports of all the bid packages and bidders in your project.
- Within an individual bid package - This will generate reports for only the bidders in the specific bid package you choose.
To download the Formatted Bidder List or the Bidder Status Report from Reports
- In a project, click on the “Reports” tab.
- Click "Print" or "Download" next to the report you are interested in.
To download the Formatted Bidder List or the Bidder Status Report from within a bid package
- Click on the "Bidders" tab within a bid package.
- Click on the
- printer icon for the Formatted Bidder List
- download icon for the Bidder Status Report
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