TradeTapp highlights 10 metrics within the "Key Metrics" table in the Summary section of the vendor profile.
- Single Project Capacity and Aggregate Total Capacity: See How are Single Project Capacity and Aggregate Total Capacity calculated in TradeTapp? (General contractors)
- Reported Total Backlog (year): Estimated amount of work the subcontractor has committed to but not yet completed. This value is self-reported by the subcontractor via the questionnaire. This value is intended to be compared to TradeTapp’s aggregate capacity recommendation.
- Working Capital (year): Pulled from subcontractor’s most recent financial statement: current assets - current liabilities. This showcases the flexibility a business has to deploy cash or assets if necessary.
- Revenue (year): Pulled from subcontractor’s most recent financial statement to highlight their total sales/size
- Largest Completed Project (year): Pulled from the Project References question (submitted by subcontractor via questionnaire). Used to showcase subcontractor’s prior work experience.
- Net Cash Flow (year): Pulled from subcontractor’s most recent financial statement: identifies cash in vs cash out for the business during the prior year as a helpful indicator of financial health.
- EMR (year): Most recent experience modification rating. This is a safety metric produced by the subcontractor’s worker’s compensation insurance carrier. EMR represents a rate of injury related losses (insurance claims) versus the amount of premium collected (i.e. what the insurance company expected to need). This can also be found in the ‘Safety’ section of the profile along with subcontractor’s past EMR scores.
- Recordable Rate (year): Most recent recordable injury rate. This is a calculated safety metric from the OSHA 300 injury log (provided by subcontractor via questionnaire). It measures the rate of “recordable” incidents that the subcontractor has had, annualized. Recordable injuries are defined by OSHA. This rate is calculated from the OSHA info provided by the subcontractor via the questionnaire.This can also be found in the ‘Safety’ section of the profile along with the subcontractor’s past RIR scores.
- DART Rate (year): Most recent days away / restricted / lost time injury rate. This is also a calculated safety metric from the OSHA 300 injury log (submitted by subcontractor via questionnaire). It measures the rate of “days away” incidents that the subcontractor has had, annualized. This can also be found in the ‘Safety’ section of the profile along with the subcontractor’s past DART rate.
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