As a head contractor with BC Pro, you have access to tender form templates that can be customized to meet your project’s needs. This functionality saves you time by eliminating the need to manually create tender forms for each new project you publish. For more information on how to create bid form templates, please see "How main contractors can create tender form templates (BC Pro)".
This article explains how you can import these tender form templates into project tender forms and trade-specific tender forms.
Importing a bid form template into a project tender form
Project Tender Forms are visible to all subcontractors who are invited to the project. Project Tender Form questions appear below trade-specific tender forms, making it easy for subcontractors to submit their tenders from a single place. When a Project Tender Forms is imported into a project, it replaces the existing Project Tender Form. Additionally, importing a Project Tender Form will not automatically import trade-specific tender forms.
To import your customized Project Tender Form to a project, start by selecting the appropriate project.
Click on the “Tender Forms” tab and then on “Import a Form.”
In the window that appears, you can use the “Search” box to find a specific Project Tender Form by name. You can also scroll through the list below the search box to find the template you wish to use. This list consists of:
- Templates you have previously created.
- Customized tender forms used on active projects.
- Customized tender forms used on closed projects.
Only Project Tender Forms that have been customized can be imported. Furthermore, you can search for customized Project Tender Forms that were created by other members of your company. To view these, click on the “My Office” or “My Company” tabs.
Once you find the Project Tender Form you wish to import, click on “Use this Form.”
The selected Project Tender Form will be applied to the project. As a reminder, imported tender forms will replace the existing Project Tender Form.

Importing a tender form template into a trade-specific tender form
Start by selecting the appropriate project.
Click on the tender package to which you want to import a tender form.
Next, click on the “Tender Form” tab. Click on "Edit" and a drop down menu will appear. Click "Use tender form template".
Use the “Search” box to find the project or template containing the trade-specific tender form you wish to import. Alternately, you can scroll through the list below the search box to find the relevant template or project.
Furthermore, you can search for customized trade specific tender forms that were created by other members of your company. To view these, click on the “My Office” or “My Company” tabs. Once you find the project or template containing the trade-specific tender form you wish to use, click on it.
Scroll through the list on the right and select the trade-specific tender form you wish to import. This list contains all the trade-specific tender forms that you created within that template or any trade-specific tender forms used for a project.
Only trade-specific tender forms that have been customized can be imported. Additionally, it is not possible to import multiple trade-specific tender forms at once. Each tender form has to be individually imported into a project’s tender package.
Once you find the trade-specific tender form you wish to import, click on “Use this Form.”
You will immediately see the updated tender form. Please note that importing a trade-specific tender form will replace anything you already have in the Tender Package Tender Form.
Subcontractors will see all the questions that are included in the trade-specific tender form template that you imported. If the trade-specific tender form is imported after the project has been published, the tender form will automatically update with the new questions for the subcontractor.
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