As a main contractor with BC Pro, you can unlock electronically locked projects after the tender due date has passed. Please note that only tender admins have the ability to unseal projects. For more information on designating tender admins, please reference the article, “How main contractors can designate Tender Admin permissions for locked projects.”
To unlock bids
First, navigate to your Projects page.
Click on the project you would like to unlock.
Click the “Tender Packages” tab then select the tender package you would like to unseal. Please note that tender packages can only be unlocked after the tender due date has passed.
Navigate to the “Subs” tab then click “Unlock Tender Package” on the right-hand side.
Confirm you would like to unseal tenders by clicking “Unlock Tender Package.” Please note that once tenders have been unsealed, they cannot be sealed again and subcontractors within this tender package will no longer be able to submit tenders.
Once a tender package has been unsealed, you will automatically be able to view all submitted tenders.
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