As a subcontractor, you can keep your Bid Board relevant and up-to-date by accepting and declining bids.
To accept or decline bids
In the "Undecided" folder of your Bid Board, next to the opportunity, click the check mark icon for "Bidding" or the remove icon for "Decline".
If you selected "Bidding", in the pop-up that appears, you can select a coworker to assign the bid to in the "Assignee" drop-down menu. Also, enter any private tracking information like Priority or ROM, then click “Save".
If you selected "Decline", the opportunity will move to the "Archived folder and will now be in the "Declined" status. If you wish to unarchive bids, please reference the article “How subcontractors can archive and unarchive bids.”
If you are already inside an opportunity or opened an opportunity by double clicking it on your Bid Board, you can also change your status by clicking “Bidding” or "Declined" on the “Overview” page.
Please note that the client who invited you to bid will not receive an email notification of your updated status, but they will be able to see that you accepted the bid invitation on their end of BuildingConnected.
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