Updating your email addresses is an important way of ensuring you are notified about the projects or bids you are working on.
Note: An email address can only be associated with one account.
To change your primary email address
All emails from BuildingConnected will be sent to the primary email address in your account. It will appear on your profile for everyone to see.
To change it, navigate to your settings by clicking on the person icon located in the left-hand menu.
Click the “Account” tab.
Under "Additional Emails", enter in the alternate email you want to use as your primary email. Click “Add”.
Note: If you receive a message stating, "Sorry, but your [email] already has an account on BuildingConnected", our Support Team to look into the email you are trying to add.
To contact support:
- Click the "?" button in the bottom left corner to access our virtual assistant
- Follow the prompts and describe your issue.
- You may be given some self-service options, and you can answer "Yes" or "No" when asked if they are helpful.
- If not helpful, you'll be able to choose to email or chat with our Support team.
A verification email is sent to your new email. Verify by clicking on the link in your email. Once verified, return to this "Account" page in Settings and click “Make Primary.”
- Note: If you receive an error message stating, "Invalid primary email domain", please please click on the "?" button in the bottom left corner and our Support Team will help add your new email as an acceptable domain for your company.
Your original primary email address will be listed in the “Additional Emails”. To remove it, click “x” next to "Make Primary".
To add an additional work email address
An additional work email address is a secondary email you can add to your account. Alternate email addresses are not visible to general contractors and they do not receive notifications.
Instead, any invitations to bid or to qualify that are sent to an alternate email are automatically forwarded to the primary email on the account. This built-in functionality ensures that no invitations are missed. You can also log in using your alternate email address.
Navigate to your settings by clicking on your profile photo icon located in the left-hand menu.
Click the “Account” tab.
Under "Additional Emails", enter in the alternate email you want to use as your primary email. Click “Add”.
Note: If you receive the message below stating the email is already associated with an account on BuildingConnected, please please click on the "?" button in the bottom left corner. We’re happy to take a look at your email to help resolve this.
You will be sent an email prompting you to verify the new email added. If you do not receive a verification email, please please click on the "?" button in the bottom left corner so we can determine if there is an error on your email server and help resolve the issue.
Once your new alternate email address is verified, you can make it the primary email on your account if desired or remove it.
To add a personal email address
Your personal email address is only visible to you, and email notifications will not be sent to your personal email address. You can log into your account with your personal email address.
Navigate to your settings by clicking on your profile photo icon located in the left-hand menu.
Click the “Account” tab.
Scroll down to the “Personal Email” section, then enter your email address and click “Add.”
Note: If you receive the message below stating the email is already associated with an account on BuildingConnected, please please click on the "?" button in the bottom left corner. We’re happy to take a look at your email to help resolve this.
You will be sent an email prompting you to verify the new email added. If you do not receive a verification email, please please click on the "?" button in the bottom left corner so we can determine if there is an error on your email server and help resolve the issue.
To remove your personal email address, click the "x" icon next to it.
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