As a general contractor, once you have created a bidder list template you can import your template into a project to easily invite bidders to bid packages.
To import bidder list templates into projects
Begin by navigating to your Projects page then click on the project you would like to import your bidder list template into. Please note bidder list templates can be imported into published and unpublished projects.
Click on the “Bid Packages” tab then click “Import.”
You can import from any templates that belong to you in "My Projects" or any templates that belong to your office or company by clicking on the "My Office" or "My Company" tabs respectively.
Click on the template you would like to import from. Click on the bid packages you would like to import. If you would like to import all, click “All all.” Otherwise, click on each bid package individually.
In the "Selected Bid Packages", bid packages can be removed from the import by clicking the “x” to the right of the bid package name. Once your bidder list template is ready to import, click “Add.”
Imported bidder list templates will not be published automatically and will be labeled “Not Published” on the “Bid Packages” tab.
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