Your subscription to Bid Board Pro grants you access to BuildingConnected’s calendar. This tool was designed to help you easily keep track of your bids all from a single place.
To access the calendar, in Bid Board, click on the "Calendar" tab.
First, there are three different “views” that you can switch between at the top-right of the screen.
- Week view
- Agenda view
- Four week view
Week view
Week view is your calendar’s default view. It displays the events you have scheduled from Monday to Friday and does not display weekend events. Each calendar entry shows the initials of the person assigned to the opportunity allowing you to quickly differentiate the opportunities in your calendar.
Agenda view
This view gives you more detailed information on your scheduled events. Weekend events are listed when using this view.
In the agenda view, depending on the status of the bid, you may be able to perform various actions like accepting or declining a bid right from the Calendar.
Four week view
This view provides an overview of your monthly work. Four week view can help ease the transition from your external calendar to your calendar in BuildingConnected.
In any view, you can click on an opportunity to see details and perform various actions.
Click on the title to go directly to the opportunity, change the assignee, leave comments, and edit certain fields from the "Internal use" section.
You can also filter your calendar to only view certain events. Learn more here.
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