As a subcontractor, you can manually sync your BuildingConnected calendar with iCalendar so you never miss an event.
In Bid Board, click the “Calendar” tab.
Choose which events you would like to sync to your mobile device's calendar by checking and unchecking boxes in the “Filters” section. Only the statuses, events, and assignees you select will sync to your calendar.
Click “Set up calendar sync.
Click “Manual/Mobile Sync".
Note the "Included Filters" at the bottom to ensure that the events you want will be synced over to your calendar.
Copy the link provided and email it to yourself.
Open iCalendar then select File > "New Calendar Subscription…"
Paste the link for your BuildingConnected calendar, then click "Subscribe."
Select an auto-refresh rate that reflects how often you would like to refresh your bid calendar such as every 15 minutes. Next, select the location and click "OK." The location determines whether all your Calendar apps on all your Apple devices are subscribed to the BuildingConnected feed (Location = iCloud) or only the one currently in use (Location = On My Mac).
Please note that calendar events one week in the past and moving forward will be synced to your calendar.
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