If you are trying to log in to your BuildingConnected account but receive an error message stating “Your account is locked,” this could be for a variety of reasons which are listed below.
- If you are a general contractor and used BuildingConnected’s free service (where you do not have a paid contract), your account may now be locked.
- There may be some outstanding billing associated with your account. Please contact your Account Executive or reach out to the billing department.
- If you are a general contractor, your account may be locked if your company's BuildingConnected subscription has ended and you no longer have a paid contract.
- Accounts may also be locked if individuals have violated BuildingConnected’s terms and conditions.
If you have further questions or are continuing to have trouble, our Support team would be happy to help. To contact support:
- Click the "?" button in the bottom left corner to access our virtual assistant
- Follow the prompts and describe your issue.
- You may be given some self-service options, and you can answer "No" when asked if they are helpful.
- Then you'll be able to choose to email or chat with our Support team.
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