If you are a subcontractor with Bid Board Pro, you can become a “Default Follower” on every bid invite your company receives. The Default Follower feature allows complete visibility into your company's Bid Board and allows you to never miss a bid invite.
What is a Default Follower?
“Default Followers” are users who are set to automatically follow every incoming opportunity. If you are set as a “Default Follower”, you will get an email notification every time anyone in your company is invited to bid and the opportunity will be added to your Bid Board.
To add yourself or coworker as a Default Follower
To add yourself or a coworker as a “Default Follower,” navigate to your Bid Board then click on the “Settings” tab.
Select the office you want to add or remove a default follower from. Default followers must be set separately for each office in your company. Only offices that you are a part of are listed and only those that have Bid Board Pro can be selected. Offices without Bid Board Pro are greyed out.
Scroll to find the "Default Followers" section.
Enter in the name or email of yourself or the coworker and click the name or press "Enter" on your keyboard.
Please note that no email is sent to you or your coworker when this change is made. This change does not apply to bids already in your Bid Board. Moving forward, "Default Followers" will receive email notifications for all future opportunities someone in your office is invited to.
To remove a coworker as a Default Follower
In the "Settings" tab, click on the “x” icon to the right of the coworker's name.
Please note that once you or your coworker is removed as a “Default Follower”, they will no longer receive email notifications for every incoming opportunity your company is invited to. However, they will continue to receive notifications for all the opportunities they were initially following and for new opportunities they are invited to directly.
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