BuildingConnected’s Bid Board includes the ability to log bids. Logging bids is useful for keeping a record of bids that you submitted outside of BuildingConnected so that Bid Board can be your one central location for your company's bidding process.
To log a bid within an opportunity group
In Bid Board, double-click on the name of a group to open it.
Click on the “Bid Form” tab.
Use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons to navigate between the bid forms for each of the opportunities in this group and find the one you want to log. The specific client's details are listed at the top of the bid form.
If the bid was sent through BuildingConnected, you will be asked to confirm that you want to log your bid. However, if the bid was forwarded into your Bid Board or manually created, you will not have to confirm that you want to log your bid.
Logged bids are not received by or visible to the general contractor. If you want to submit your bid to the general contractor instead, click on “Cancel.” Otherwise, click on “Continue.”
You will now see the "Log proposal" screen instead and a note that "This will not submit your bid to your client". Enter the details of your logged bid and click "Log bid".
At any time, if you decide to submit your bid to the general contractor, you can switch back by clicking on “Send your bid instead.”
You can then choose to enter a follow-up-date, add tracking data, or change the group status. This individual opportunity will now be in the "Submitted" status, but the group status will not change unless you choose to change it. Click "x" to close out of the window.
You will now see your "Logged proposal" which is for internal purposes only. The client did not receive your proposal amount and attachments.
To log a revision, click “Create a Revision”. Creating a revision means that you are updating your logged proposal amount.
If you have additional proposals to submit for this group, you can use the “Previous” and “Next” options on the top right of the screen to access the other bid forms in this group.
Click on “Overview” to return to the group’s Overview tab. The individual bids you submitted will now be in the "Submitted" status.
Keep in mind that accepting bids or submitting proposals for individual bids within a group does not automatically change the status of the entire group. In the following screenshot, you can see that the second opportunity we logged is now "Submitted", but the group status at the top is still "Accepted". You must change the group status separately.
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