As a vendor, you can find prequalifications from general contractors in the Qualifications Section in your BuildingConnected Account.
Click the stamp icon on the menu on the left-hand side to open the "Qualifications" section.
- Fill out questionnaire
- Review what is missing
- Submit your prequalification
- How to make requested corrections
How to fill out and submit a qualification questionnaire
Invitations to prequalify are found in the "Awaiting Submission" tab.
Click “Open” on the qualification invitation you want to fill out.
The sections of the questionnaire will appear on the left panel. Sections with a green check mark are complete. Any incomplete sections will show the number of questions that have been completed so far.
If your team has submitted a response for the question before (in any general contractor's questionnaire), you will see your most recently entered information already populated. This helps to limit the amount of repeated entry your team has to do when multiple general contractors request the same information. Learn more about the auto-populate feature here.
Fill out the requested information. Some questions may have a tip on the left-hand side or a sample file from the general contractor to provide you with additional context or detailed instructions on what exactly you need to provide. Click "View Example Document" and it will show a document uploaded by the general contractor. This document can be downloaded if necessary or printed.
Because questionnaires are set by the general contractor, if you have further questions about how to answer specific questions, we recommend reaching out to the general contractor directly so they can provide more insight.
Click “Continue” to cycle through all questions in each section. Some will ask for text responses or a file upload or be a Yes/No question.
For questions requiring you to upload a document, click *Choose Files" and select the documents from your computer. To delete an uploaded file, click the trash icon next to that file.
Note: The maximum file size is 25MB.
Review your qualification
When you are ready to review your questionnaire, click the “Review” section. Any unanswered questions will appear at the top of the screen in the “Incomplete” section. Click “Complete Required” to the right of unanswered questions to answer them.
When all questions are complete, you will see no more "Incomplete (Required)" questions. You can also download and print your application for your records by clicking “Print Summary” on the left-hand side.
Submit your prequalification
When your application is complete, click “Submit.” Submitting your questionnaire will send an email notification to the general contractor so they can begin reviewing your application.
You will receive a confirmation on the screen. Click “Return to Dashboard” to return to your prequalifications. The finished application will now be in the "Submitted" folder.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will my progress save so I can come back to the application later?
- I don't have a response to a required question, what can I do?
- Can I make updates to a submitted application?
- My insurance carrier is not listed, what can I do?
- I received a request for correction, how do I know what needs to be fixed?
Will my progress save so I can come back to the application later?
Yes, answered questions will automatically save.
I don't have a response to a required question, what can I do?
If you are unable to provide a response to a required question, like in the case if your company does not have that information or it does not apply to you, we suggest following up with the general contractor who invited you directly.
They can advise what information is required in order to get your application through. If it is acceptable to them, you can offer to put in numbers like "0" or "N/A" or upload a word or PDF file stating your position to bypass the question (i.e. upload a word document just stating that you will submit your financials outside of the system).
Can I make updates to a submitted application?
If you have filled out and submitted a TradeTapp invite for a general contractor, you can go in and revise it at any time.
- Navigate to and open the general contractor's application in your "Submitted" folder.
- Once you are in, go to the question you want to edit.
- Make the edits and update as desired.
- Once you are done, go to the "Review" section and Click "Submit" again.
- The application will remain in your "Submitted" folder and the date submitted will update accordingly.
I received a request for correction, how do I know what needs to be fixed?
You may receive a request to make corrections on a submitted application. When this occurs, the primary contact for your company will receive an email. The email may contain notes on what needs to be corrected (see example email below).
You will need to reference these notes and return to the application by clicking "Log In" on the email or logging in directly into BuildingConnected and going to the TradeTapp invites. If there are no notes or you need further clarification, please reach out directly to your contact at the general contractor to understand what is required to complete your application.
Once in the application, return to the question where you need the edit the information and make changes.
Once you complete all the changes, navigate to the "Review" section and if all required questions are complete, click "Submit".
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