TradeTapp is a risk-management tool by BuildingConnected that general contractors use to manage their prequalification process. As a vendor, you may receive an email notification from TradeTapp with an invitation to prequalify.
You must receive an invitation email in order to prequalify with a company. If you have not already and are interested in prequalifying with a general contracting company, please reach out directly to the general contractor and they can send you a corresponding TradeTapp invitation.
Please note that if you have a TradeTapp account before, TradeTapp has moved to BuildingConnected and can you login to your TradeTapp prequalifications with your BuildingConnected account. Please review "Subcontractor TradeTapp to BuildingConnected Migration (Process Overview)" for more information.
This article walks through the emails that you may receive from TradeTapp and what they look like:
- Invitation to Qualify
- Reminder
- Corrections Needed
- Renew
Invitation to Qualify
You’ve been invited to prequalify with a company. The email will indicate who and what company has invited you to prequalify and includes a link to accept the invitation. Click “Accept Invitation” to create your account or login to BuildingConnected to access the prequalification.
If you haven't completed a prequalification, you may receive reminders to fill it out. Click "Accept Invitation" to access the prequalification and complete it.
Corrections needed
You may receive an email notification that corrections are needed. Below is an example of the notification that you will receive. In the "Note" section, you will find what needs to be corrected. Click "Log In & Make Corrections" to access the prequalification. You will have to navigate to the specific question and make the change requested. Learn more about correcting prequalifications here.
You may receive an email notification letting you know that you’ve been invited to renew with a company if you have previously submitted a prequalification before. Click "Begin Renewal" to access the prequalification. The renewed application will be in your "Awaiting Submission" folder.
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