As a general contractor using TradeTapp, you can manually reassign project approval requests once the initial project approval request has been assigned. Reassigning coworkers as reviewers and/or accepters will send them an email notification to let them know they have been assigned to a project approval request.
Please note that only coworkers with financial, reviewer, and accepter permissions have the ability to assign a project approval request. Additionally, coworkers chosen to review approval requests must have either reviewer or accepter permissions, and only coworkers with accepter permissions can approve project approval requests.
For more information on permissions levels in your company’s TradeTapp account, please reference the article, “What does each permissions level in TradeTapp mean? (General contractors).”
To reassign a TradeTapp project approval request
Click on the “Approvals” page.
Click on the company you would like to reassign a project approval request for.
Click on the relevant project.
Click “View.”
Click “Edit.”
Click the drop-down next to “Review By” and/or “Accept By.” Deselect the current reviewer or acceptor and select the coworker you would like to reassign.
As mentioned above, only coworkers with reviewer or accepter permissions will appear as an option for “Review By,” and only coworkers with accepter permissions will appear as an option for “Accept By.”
Click “Save” to update the accepter and reviewer for the project approval request. Clicking “Save” will send the new assignee an email notification letting them know this project approval requires their review and/or approval.
Please note that the initial individual assigned to review and/or accept an approval request will not receive an email notification letting them know the approval request as been reassigned, but the approval request will be removed from their “Open approvals assigned to me” section on their “Approvals” page.
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